Studio Strawberry
Whilst at first it may appear that our studio is named after the strawberries that it can sometimes be possible to count on Fi’s panties when she is exposed in one of our classes, this is merely a happy coincidence. Studio Strawberry is in part a play on words, but entirely a nod of appreciation to a Japanese concept that we identify with very strongly.
The concept is ichi-go ichi-e, which can be roughly translated as one time, one encounter. Ichi-go ichi-e speaks to the idea that no encounter can ever be recreated, and this time that you interact with your partner in ropes is incredibly precious and can never be recreated again. This feeling is incredibly important to us, as it leads to a greater level of appreciation for each other, with every moment being more special than it could be without this mindset towards each other. We encourage that every interaction within the studio is viewed with this mindset, so that we can all grasp every opportunity to learn and experience things fully, and so that we can appreciate each and every moment and interaction with our partners and friends.
The play on words, because anyone who has learned with us knows we enjoy our puns and wordplays, is that ichigo can be translated as strawberry.
Inside of Studio Strawberry, showing solid oak beams on the ceiling, with erotic art on the walls and rope on the oak floor
Studio Strawberry is a space that allows us to teach kinbaku classes on the floor, using bamboos/beams, or using hashira as it can be rearranged to accommodate up to 8-10 couples dependent on what we are exploring. The studio has also been designed with photography in mind, so we will be able to enjoy the exploration of kinbaku photography in our space. The space we have also allows us to host students for private lessons, and to host small jams. Our studio has underfloor heated wooden floors with futons for comfort whilst tying, and air conditioning is available when there is hot weather.
We are very keen to uphold the erotic origins of kinbaku, and as such, eroticism is entirely permitted and encouraged in the space.